saffran and pumkin chutney with cold pea cream, milk, Japanese pepper and caviar with beluga lentil soup, black cabbage, sour cream and truffle for two people with marinated artichokes, plantains, oyter leaves and caviar with Jerusalem artichoke cream and seasonal black truffle iceberg heart, roast turkey, Caesar sauce, anchovie, Parmiggiano Reggiano and flavored crunch bread Buffalo Mozzarella, selection of tomatoes and basil crunchStarter
and Parmesan flakes with tarragon, raw prawns, beetroot and Greek yogurt italian cocoa crumble, Marsala sauce and morels baked tomatoes and black cabbage roe dear tartare, hazelnut oil, oyster leaves and caviar fragrant bread croutons and Parmesan popcornPasta and Risotti
with rocket salad and cherry tomatoes boretta onions, chestnuts and horseradish fiolaro broccoli, yuzu and rose with stewed cabbage, miso and blueberries annurca apple, beetroot and Sauternes purée for two people for two peopleMain Courses
peanut mousse, banana caramel. and white chocolate crumble our way with its mousse and nuts praline mandarin cream with vanilla mousse and black sesame pistacchio crumble, vanilla custardDessert
Dear customer, to ensure quality and food safety, the products administered in this room are either deep-frozen or frozen at origin or subjected to rapid blast chilling, as described in the HACCP plan pursuant to EC Reg. 852/04. Raw or practically raw fish products are subjected to rapid blast chilling for health purposes, in accordance with EC Reg. 853/04. The staff is available to provide any information on the nature and origin of the raw materials used. The customer is asked to communicate the need to consume allergen-free foods for which the inherent documentation is available. Cover charge € 6.00 per person.